Invest in Rural Communities

The historic economic extraction and lack of federal government investment has left rural communities in a financial hole. The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated those challenges. Now is the time for policy that invests in rural people and communities.

Ongoing Priorities

  • Invest in critical infrastructure and services, including hospitals, health care, providers, schools, affordable housing, transportation, local government capacity, postal services, legal aid, childcare, paid family leave, rural small business, and local food systems.
  • Connect rural businesses, homes, and farms to high-speed, affordable internet.
  • Invest in climate change adaptation and mitigation that prioritizes local control and local people.
  • Invest in small business and entrepreneurship, not large corporations.

Fairness in Funding

Ensure Health Care Access for All

Building Out Broadband Reliability and Access

Invest in a Clean Energy Transition for Rural Communities

Address the Affordable Housing Crisis in Rural Communities

Support Small Business and Rural Main Street

Create Equitable Access to Licensing

Expand Support for Regional Food Economies

Expand Access to Credit for Farm Businesses

Support Equitable Access to Farmland

Support Agriculture and Worker Cooperatives