Stop Taxpayer Funding of Industrial Animal Agriculture


States offer tax exemptions and abatements for a wide range of agricultural activities. This makes sense the importance of the sector and the low financial margins for farmers, but many of these exemptions privilege industrial-scale agriculture practices over more sustainable methods, despite the risks they pose to local water and air quality, public health, property values, and more.

In particular, many states offer tax exemptions for costs associated with concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), ranging from livestock feed purchases to manure storage and disposal infrastructure. Pasture-based livestock operations, which grow their own feed and do not require manure storage, cannot take advantage of these tax benefits.

Tax exemptions reduce revenue to the state and county, while CAFOs themselves instead put extra strain on local resources, including additional wear on country roads, water use, and potential need for pollution remediation. Iowa has reported a loss of $4.5 million in county revenue due to CAFO property tax exemptions. State policymakers should consider sunsetting tax exemptions that disproportionately benefit CAFOs and instead establish exemptions that incentivize pasture-based livestock operations.

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Policy Priorities

  • Federal: Federal: Pass the Farm System Reform Act, a bill that would hold corporate agribusinesses accountable for their pollution, enact a factory farm moratorium, and help transition to more sustainable livestock production.
  • State: Direct public dollars such as tax exemptions and EQIP funds away from CAFOs and toward pasture-based operations via a resolution to the state conservationist.
  • State: Stop subsidizing manure-to-energy projects.

State Examples

  • Iowa lawmakers considered a bill (2019 IA HF 186) to remove CAFO manure pits from a property tax exemption.
  • In Missouri, as a result of participation by pasture-based producers and advocates, the NRCS State Technical Committee implemented a rule that no new or expanding CAFOs in Missouri are eligible for EQIP dollars,[6] which has reduced EQIP funds going to livestock waste management from 35 percent to 15 percent in recent years.[7]
  • New York (2019 NY S 6599) passed a bill that would prohibit waste-to-energy projects from being included in its future renewable energy platform.
  • In 2021, Oregon allowed the expiration of a tax credit for manure, which was intended to promote manure-to-energy projects.[8]

[6] Chrisman, Siena. “What Happens to Animal Waste.” FoodPrint. 08 Oct. 2018. Footnote 32.

[7] Gewin, Virginia. “Why Aren’t USDA Conservation Programs Paying Farmers More to Improve Their Soil?” Civil Eats. Jan. 12, 2021.

[8] Hauser, Daniel. “SB 151: Let the Bovine Manure Tax Credit Sunset.” Oregon Center for Public Policy, 22 Feb. 2021,


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