Reform Mandatory Commodity Checkoff Programs


Producers of most commodities are required to pay a fee called a checkoff to the national and state commodity boards that represent and promote their product. These include the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, the Pork Producers Council, and the National Chicken Council, among others, all at the federal level, and corresponding associations at the state level. Their purpose is to conduct research, build markets, and promote their commodities – ad campaigns such as “Got Milk?” and “Pork, the Other White Meat” are underwritten by mandatory checkoff fees paid by producers of those products.

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Policy Priorities

  • Federal: Reform the checkoff program to increase transparency and accountability, as proposed in the Opportunities for Fairness in Farming (OFF) Act.
  • State: Reform state checkoff programs to require active participation from producers such as voting or opting in to approve program activities.
  • State: Increase state review and oversight of the checkoff program and state commodity boards.

State Examples

  • New Hampshire (2024 NH HB 1575) considered a bill prohibiting the enforcement of federal agricultural checkoff programs and making state-level checkoffs voluntary.
  • Missouri (2015 MO HB 141) has considered legislation to require that any increase of checkoff fees be subject to a vote by all producers of that commodity.
  • Oregon (2015 OR SB 289) considered conducting periodic legislative review of state boards and commissions, including commodity councils.


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